How much does shipping cost for The Kids Verse orders?

Shipping costs are calculated at checkout based on your location and the size of your order. We strive to offer affordable and transparent shipping rates.

Do you offer international shipping for The Kids Verse books?

Yes, The Kids Verse ships internationally. International shipping rates and delivery times vary, so please check the shipping options at checkout for more details.

How can I track my The Kids Verse order?

Once your order is shipped, you will receive a confirmation email with a tracking number. You can use this number to track your package on the carrier's website.

What is the estimated delivery time for The Kids Verse books?

Delivery times depend on your location. Typically, domestic orders within the US take 3-7 business days, while international orders may take longer. Please refer to the shipping options at checkout for more accurate estimates.


Can I return a The Kids Verse book if my child doesn't like it?

Absolutely! We understand that children's preferences can vary. The Kids Verse offers a 30-day return policy. Simply contact our customer service team, and they will guide you through the return process.

Are there any conditions for returning a The Kids Verse book?

The book must be in its original condition with no signs of damage or wear. Please include the original packaging and a copy of the order confirmation when returning items.

What if my The Kids Verse book arrives damaged or defective?

We apologize for any inconvenience. Please contact our customer service team immediately with photos of the damaged or defective item, and we will arrange for a replacement or refund.

How do I initiate a return for The Kids Verse books?

To initiate a return, please contact our customer service team through our website or by email. Provide your order number, the reason for the return, and they will assist you in the return process.